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Daima Green Space Poster

“On this World Cities Day, we recognize the extraordinary contribution made by grassroots communities in our cities and towns. The value of communities has been brought into sharp focus during the response to COVID-19,” said António Guterres, Secretary General of United Nations. Well it does not get any more Grassroots than; a beautiful sunny Saturday […]

Developing a Comprehensive Plan for Restoration of City Park


Following the handover of City Park to Kenya Forest Service from the Nairobi City County Government, a task-force comprising of representatives from KFS, NEMA, NMK, KEFRI, NMS, NCCG and Friends of City Park was constituted to develop a restoration plan for the Park. Ms Charity Munyasya, KFS’ Deputy Chief Conservator of Forests, chairs the Committee. […]

Friends of City Park working with the Ministry of Environment through Kenya Forest Services & National Museums of Kenya to Implement the President’s Directive to Reclaim, Restore, Conserve, Protect Public Green Spaces

City Park forest path view

A recent Presidential Directive to reclaim and rehabilitate public green spaces has seen state departments make new waves of development in executing the directive across the County, faster than ever witnessed Fig. Hon. Keriako Tobiko touring the Murumbi Memorial Garden accompanied by Mr. Julius Kamau, Chief Conservator of Forests, FoCP members and other stakeholders [Photo:KFS] […]