Themed Walks at City Park


You do not have to wait to climb Mt. Kenya, go to the Aberdares, or hike Ngong hills to get a taste of adventure outdoors. City Park presents an opportune space for everyone to unleash their outdoor daredevil, be it only for a few hours. Close to Nairobi’s CBD one can choose to visit the Park and unwind by exploring the hidden treasures within. Friends of City Park present Themed Walks at City Park, organised based on the different features of the Park.

Plants Exploration

City Park is home to a rich dry-up-land indigenous forest, Botanic Gardens, and ornamental exotics. In a biodiversity report (Dino Martins 2009), wildlife at City Park is recognised as being 65% animal life and 35% plants; plants here provide a home for the high number of other forms of diversity.

Participants during a themed walk [Picture by Sese Joshua]

Kibagare River Tour

Starting from the point where Kibagare River enters City Park from Limuru Road, we walk alongside the river as we discover where the Mtego-wa-Panya maze used to be. Adjacent to the maze we unravel the hidden treasures and design of the Sunken Garden. We follow the river on its 1.6km journey across the Park until it exits at the Thika Super Highway side.

Participant during a tour of Kibagare River [Picture by Gere Ecological]

Cemeteries Tour

City Park is home to the final resting place of Kenya’s second vice president Joseph Murumbi and Kenya’s first post-independence Martyr Pio Gama Pinto. Displayed in the Murumbi Memorial are different artifacts by world-renowned Kenyan artists, from his large art collection. We also explore the different cemeteries within City Park and try to locate the lone tombstone located near Kibagare River.

Bird watching at one of the cemeteries at City Park [Picture by FoCP].

Each tour costs Kes1000.00 per head, the funds go towards paying for security, one can pay an extra Kes. 500.00 to have an expert on either birding, insects, and plants. Interested in taking part in a themed walk at City Park? Drop us a line in the comments sections and we will be in contact. Tours can happen on any day of the week Saturdays and Sundays included.

by Karimi Kimathi

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