Clean-Up Scheduled for 24th October 2015—your help needed!
A big clean-up on Saturday the 24th of October is being organised by the Friends of City Park committee, in partnership with the Park staff. Earlier in the week we discussed the logistics of the clean up with Mr. Ernest Chege, the Superintendent of the Park. We discussed the need to make rakes to help to clear out the plastic rubbish that is accumulating in the river.
We are fortunate to have found a very good welder, Mr. Tom Diero, who made 2 rakes (10 feet long, with 6 inch teeth) able to reach the middle of the river from each bank. The rake pole is hollow so that they are not too heavy. Mr. Diero was diligent to make the rakes in a record time of 2 days, and delivered them this morning.
Mr. Diero drove all the way from Utawala and knew only of the City Park market. This is the first time he had been in the park, and he marvelled at the natural wonder and was excited to learn that he could bring his family on one of the guided nature walks held by Friends of City Park.
Note: the Clean-Up Scheduled for 24th October 2015, is from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. and is open to all. FoCP is reaching out to several youth groups for participation. If you wish to participate, please email:
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