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Developing a Comprehensive Plan for Restoration of City Park


Following the handover of City Park to Kenya Forest Service from the Nairobi City County Government, a task-force comprising of representatives from KFS, NEMA, NMK, KEFRI, NMS, NCCG and Friends of City Park was constituted to develop a restoration plan for the Park. Ms Charity Munyasya, KFS’ Deputy Chief Conservator of Forests, chairs the Committee. […]


Forest Canopy Edited- Native Forests Day

  On Saturday 24th Jan 2018, Rotarians from Nairobi South gathered at Brackenhurst to celebrate the Native Forests Day. Very enthusiastic Rotarians talked about their renewed understanding of what planting a tree is all about. It needs water, it needs protection and it needs 2 years of maintenance. Tree planting is only a part of environmental […]

Participants at the City Park Stakeholders Forum chart the future


  The City Park Stakeholders Forum was held last month, 7th September at the National Museum of Kenya, headquarters in Nairobi, to discuss and deliberate on the principles for future development and governance of City Park. The well attended forum was organized by Friends of City Park in conjunction with Nairobi City County Government and […]

Reviving Nairobi City Park for the People—a talk by Alia Khan MLA

Alia's talk at the Museum

In a talk on ‘Reviving Nairobi City Park for the People’ given at the National Museums—Alia Khan, described the five strategies for a holistic rehabilitation of the park: Social Integration, History, Education, Security, and Conservation. Alia chose City Park for her Masters Project, producing a holistic design for rehabilitation, and a Management Plan to ensure […]