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Aftercare of the 6 White Jacarandas Planted by FoCP Supporters


The monkeys, Sykes & Vervets, of City Park, though cute, are a menace when it comes to introducing new trees. Anticipating an attack on the white jacarandas, each tree was surrounded by 3 poles around which barbed wire was wound with mesh wire at the top. These trees, as written about in a previous blog, […]

City Park Today and Plans for the Future – Wetlands, Littering, Cleanups


If you have been to City Park recently, you will be appalled at the amount of littering going on. This is despite frequent clean ups by FoCPA (Friends of City Park Association), Nairobi City County Government (NCCG) and other stakeholders. Appalling also that 2 days after a cleanup, it looks like it was never cleaned. […]

City Park Monthly Clean Up – World Environment Day 2023 Edition


Our monthly clean-up activity on Saturday June 3rd 2023 coincided with the annual World Environment Day celebrations and adopted the #BeatPlasticPollution theme.  Waste management at the park has been a challenge and a significant percentage of the litter is plastics. (Sweets and biscuit wrappers, bottles and disposable plastic cups among others). This is evident especially […]