#CityParkMemories: Become a Member of Friends of City Park

be a member Membership Poster
FoCP Membership Drive Poster.

During these times of environment degradation in the name of development leading to Climate Anxiety, compounded with the stress of urban living, individuals are looking for an authentic space to share concerns and take actions in preserving precious green space in Nairobi. The Friends of City Park is a space which offers members the opportunity to be a part of a cause in preserving one of Nairobi’s earliest free open green spaces.

FoCP turns 25 years old in 2021. We taking a minute to take stock and retrospect. Two members of Friends of City Park who volunteer as Board Members give us an insight on how the journey has been.

Zippy Musyimi

Zippy Musyimi with other FoCP Members posing with the Woman at the Gate Statue, found at the Murumbi Memorial Site. [Photo: Archna Bulsara]

Fondest Memory: the time we spent one Saturday Morning, at the Murumbi Grave Site with some FoCP board members and those meetings when people were able to share, learn, build with friends and jointly agree on actions to take.

Most difficult memories: the river makes it difficult to enjoy the space, it does not remain fresh. With the members doing so much hard work, the efforts are countered by the pollutants soling the Kibagare River.

Catherine Ngarachu between Manu Chandaria and former CS Environment Prof. Judi Wakhungu [Photo: FoCP]

Someone you will always remember: Catherine Ngarachu, Seeta Shah ad Baldip Khan, the commitment showed by this three is the reason I stay on

Most important life lesson learned from time with FoCP: Never Give Up, even in the face of adversity. Remain committed, focused and resilient to the cause you have been called to serve.

When and Why did you become a FoCP Member: I joined three to four years ago; I was recommended by my former boss, to join the board.

What are your hopes for City Park? That City Park become a pleasurable experience to visit and join.

Baldip Khan

Fondest Memory: circa 1959, As kids one of the most pleasurable experience, so precious that it recurred in my dreams for years after my childhood, was the picnics whereupon us kids proceeded to have a most magical few hours in the park.

Young Baldip Khan. [Photo: Baldip Khan]

My memory is of running down the little downward sloping lane to the sunken garden, rolling down beautifully manicured meadows, mostly of running everywhere, having the picnic. We always went into the maze, which was an exhilarating albeit scary experience. Catching the band if we were there for weekends was also a lot of fun.

Your most difficult memory while being an FoCP Board Member: Learning through the press of tenders being invited for building a dam which would take 10% of City Park land. This was just before FoCP’s wide stakeholders’ forum was to take place in 2016. Luckily the dam project did not proceed!

Most important life lesson learned from time with FoCP: The most awesome, passionate soulmates exist!

Participants during the reclaiming and rehabilitation of a Triangular Section at the Main City Park Entrance, 2018. [Photo: FoCP]

When and Why did you become a FoCP Member: On my retirement and return to Kenya I was looking for worthwhile volunteering project. A friend suggested FoCP.

What are your hopes for City Park: Incremental rehabilitation as per the forum report, which was formulated after a wide stakeholders’ engagement.

Join Friends of City Park: We are here to Ensure that City Park Exists for Future Generations.

by: Karimi Kimathi

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