A Note of Thanks to Supporters

I resigned in September this year from the position of Chair of the Friends of City Park, and I want to take a moment to say how grateful I am for your support in our efforts to save City Park.

As I look back over two decades on the committee I founded in 1996, I celebrate the individuals and institutions that took action within their unique ability, or mandate, to ensure we save a precious green space in the heart of Nairobi.

Here are a few things you helped us achieve despite some incredible challenges:

  1. The all too many times we successfully acted against the conversion of parts of this public park for private developments.
  2. The gazette of the park as a National Monument by the National Museums (Legal Notice No. 130, Sept 2009).
  3. The subsequent gazette in 2016 of the City Park maze (Mtego wa Panya), also by the National Museums.
  4. The revocation by the National Land Commission of 14 parcels of City Park land, which they deemed illegal or irregularly issued (Gazette notice No. 5021, on 18 July 2014).
  5. The participation of the public as supporters and stakeholders.
  6. The activities we undertook, like the pollinator garden, nature walks, clean-ups and website.
  7. The development of various plans including the draft proposal for the park’s rehabilitation and future management.

I am so pleased to be able to say today that the park of 60+ha that in 1932 was set aside “for the recreation of the town’s future citizens”, continues to serve our busy, bustling capital city of 4-5 million people, and that I had a small part to play in its endurance. Please know that you too have played a part.

Thank you, for your support in helping to ensure that City Park will continue to be a place of historical significance, thriving biodiversity and a beautiful (and functional) place for public recreation and leisure.

Once again, thank you for supporting the Friends — I so appreciate you.

Best wishes, and a very Merry Christmas!

Catherine Ngarachu

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